Sunday, April 16, 2023



Courage starts

With showing up

In the den of the hibernating bear

And letting yourself

Be seen.


Conscious breathing

Is my anchor

At the bottom

Of the ocean.


I am in the right place,

[A heroin den}

At the right time,

[It’s 2 a.m.}

Doing the right thing.

[Selling life insurance]


The perfect moment

Is this one.


No, it’s this one…

No, this one…

How about this one?

I can’t keep up!


I am deliberate

And afraid of nothing

Said the knife, still dripping

In her cold, dead hand.


I say looking on the

Bright side of life

Never hurt anybody,

(Except the one afraid of nothing.)


Open your heart and drink

In the blood of this

Glorious day.


Your perspective is important.

It’s unique and it counts,

Said the mirror to its image.


Nothing can dim the light

From within…

Except the dimmer switch

In the front hallway.


I’m better than I was yesterday,

But hopefully not as good

As I’ll be Tomorrow,

When I’m the pitcher.


He’s on second.

I don't know...



Embrace the glorious

Mess that you are

The Hoarder said.


I have never, ever

Focused on the negative thing.

I always looked at the positive.

She lied.


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